Comments on: Sonnet 1: From Fairest Creatures We Desire Increase <strong><a href="/">Modern Shakespeare</a></strong> resources, <strong><a href="/sonnets/">sonnet translations</a></strong> & lots more! Wed, 17 Jan 2024 05:25:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: Anthony Bejarano Wed, 17 Jan 2024 05:25:16 +0000 #comment-3006103 I’m 75, and I came here after seen Francis McDonmond (sorry spelling) Nomadland. But I read this sonnet in high school. I remember not caring much about it. As far as what it means, well it’s what it says. There are people like it everywhere. It’s a thing we all do before we age, usually.

By: ariofs Mon, 30 Oct 2023 16:00:07 +0000 #comment-3002349 In reply to Professor Sir Ramsbottom.

What the heck, man? This kid said he was new, and I think he made a great interpretation of a difficult-to-understand poem. You’re heckling him for bad grammar when you could just look at the meaning.

By: neda pearce cano Wed, 04 Oct 2023 15:13:26 +0000 #comment-3001479 In reply to Professor Sir Ramsbottom.

someone needs to calm down a bit, he was just giving his opinion.

By: Professor Sir Ramsbottom Sun, 03 Sep 2023 23:58:55 +0000 #comment-3000536 In reply to hehehee.

Your piece about the Shakespear sonnet was greatly disrespectful. The poem is referring to the rodents swarming this earth like you, and the relaxed scum of you generation.

By: SJ Tue, 29 Aug 2023 02:17:36 +0000 #comment-3000453 Many speculate that this poem was written to a man that Shakespeare admired greatly, either romantically or not, and was urging him to marry and father a child so that man wouldn’t be lost to time. It’s a theme in many of the early sonnets!

By: hehehee Sun, 09 Jul 2023 20:09:42 +0000 #comment-2999573 well not really a poem person but just getting to like it a lil bit, i’ll say from my newby experience i feel like its talking abt how when humans have this percentage of good people who are very rare so wen they die there is no one to replace that beauty in them idk dats wat i think

By: Zara Thu, 22 Jun 2023 12:22:23 +0000 #comment-2999231 ]]> In reply to micky.

Yes 👍🏼

By: micky Tue, 24 Jan 2023 07:28:40 +0000 #comment-2993428 That’s just not how I read it. I see the first line as being about the phenomenon where if someone is remarkable then we just set higher standards for them, want more and more; like with the rare truly earnest famous artist who inevitably dies tragically under the pressure. The second is because it’s normal to crave this. But people only live so long, be patient, relax, maybe time will preserve his essence. Then I think he’s talking to the subject directly (which would make sense to due in a subtle way considering the times) and he’s lamenting how this fair creature is confined to his own perspective, ensnared by his own “bright eyes.” He’s on this positive feedback cycle of self-hatred, his only enemy being his own “sweet self” to whom he is “too cruel.” He’s got his whole life ahead of him, he’s gifted and lovely, but he chooses to retreat inside himself and shy away, trapped by analysis paralysis. Then the translation is perfect, “Take pity on the world or else be the glutton who devours, with the grave, what belongs to the world.”

Great for teenagers nowadays who feel they have the weight of the world resting on them.

By: Ed Fri, 11 Nov 2022 01:46:02 +0000 #comment-2992371 In reply to Annie.

I was taught that Shakespeare was commissioned to write sonnets for a nobleman’s son who loved poetry, and that this sonnet was encouraging him to find a wife and stop masturbating.

By: -A Wed, 26 Oct 2022 15:56:25 +0000 #comment-2992156 In reply to Bashir Sadidin..

10 years later
